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any pokemart, but only if you have a cheat you can get it, because the event days for the azure Flute are over

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Q: Which pokemart is the green guy in to get the azure flute?
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Related questions

What is the real AR code for azure flute?

go to youtube type azure flute ar codes and talk to the green guy in the pokemart

How do you get the flute that summons Arceus?

You need the event first after that go to any pokemart & go inside & you will see a green guy, talk to him & he will give you the AZURE FLUTE

How do you get azura flut in Pokemon diamond?

You have to go to an event or you need an action replay code for the Azure Flute. When you get the code, hold L and R and enter the pokemart. Then there will be this guy in green clothing. Talk to him and he will give you the flute. Then go to Spear Pillar and play the Azure Flute. Arceus should appear.

How do you get the guy in the green suit to appear with the azure flute?

a cheat

How do you get azure flute in Pokemon platinom?

you need an action replay. i dont know the code but i can tell you what to do. first get the azure flute from the pokemart (green guy). then go to spear pillar. then use the azure flute. next a long stairway will show up. go up the stair. arceus is challenging you. it should be lv 80. catch it. hope this help :)

Where to find the azure flute on Pokemon platinum version?

you find the azure flute after you complete the national pokedex. after completing the national pokedex go to the pokemart in canalave city and talk to the guy in the green suit and he will give it to you. in case you didnt know when you get the azure flute go to spear pillar and sound it. the sound of the flute will awaken arceus. another amazing tip from the Pokemon master

Is there a cheat code to get arceus in the DS Pokemon pearl?

you need the azure flute. to get the azure flute on diamond and pearl get a 50 or over win streak at the battle tower and go to the pokemart there is a guy next to the till talk to him he gives you azure flute go to top of spear pillar

What is the edit code name for action replay azure flute?

Here 94000130 FCFF0000 62101D40 00000000 B2101D40 00000000 0000B5D4 0000000A 0000B5D8 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Press L+R and go into a pokemart. talk to the green guy and then go to spear pillar and yes use the azure flute

Get Arceus in pokemon pearl?

You have to get mystery gift from wifi or a friend and get the azure flute from a guy in the pokemart then go to spear pillar (where you first saw dialga/palkia) and then use the azure flute and then stairs appear then you go up them and you see arceus.

Where do you find the guy with the azulf flute?

Actually it is azure flute, and to get this flute to catch arceus you have to get mystery gift and wait till July 9 2009 and have wi- fi connection and you will receive it and press yes to take the gift then go to the man in the green in any pokemart and he will give you the gift.

Pokemon platinum AR code for Arceus Event?

Azure Flute 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101140 00000000 0000B5D4 0000000A D2000000 00000000 Press L + R and then head inside the nearest pokemart and talk to the Green Guy to get the Flute, and trigger the Arceus event.

How do you catch aceus in Pokemon dimond?

To Catch Aceus you need to use a action reply cheat that gives you a azure flute or you can buy it as a Nintendo event if you use the code for action reply go to the pokemart and talk to the green guy and he will give you the azure flute either way once you have it go to the spear pillar which is in mt coronet and it will say do you want play the azure flute selec yes and a staircase will open and there is aceus at level 80.