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Q: Which pet is commonly kept in a bowl?
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Is hamster a pet animal?

Yes, hamsters are commonly kept as pets.

What animal is a type of carp that is commonly kept as a pet?

Goldfish, or Koi.

What is pus sy?

A pussy refers to the domesticated cat that is commonly kept as a pet.

What sentence uses denotation?

"The denotation of the word 'dog' is a domesticated mammal commonly kept as a pet."

What temperature do mollies like the water in their fish bowl?

Water temperature in the aquarium should be kept in the 75-80 F range.

Where is an alms bowl kept?

In a Church.

Which animal is kept more as a pet a cat or a dog?

Of the two animals, the dog is kept more as a pet compared to the cat.

Where can one purchase a heated pet bowl?

A heated pet bowl can be purchased from a local pet shop. They are also available online from websites including eBay, Amazon, Pet Carer X and Wal-Mart.

A rodent that can be kept as a pet that is 6 inches and can be kept by themselves?


How do you get your pet a drink on Habbo?

In order for your pet to drink, you must purchase a water bowl. The supply for the water bowl is infinite and all you have to do is double click the bowl to refill it.

Where are bird's kept?

Birds are kept in cages and pet shops and in cagesin cages

Can a conch be kept as a pet?

yes it can.