Find the food bowl and click it if you have any pet food but be warned it is super small
You don't NEED to feed your pet.
you buy a food for your pet and drag it to the pet and it will eat it
Well.. IF You Feed the Poison on the Pet... it will die and i think you it will turn to Zombie
buy food from the store go into your inventory and drag it to your pet
feed them raw fish
First you buy pet food and click the bowl that should be in your kitchen but if that doesnt work log off and log on then try it again
We're is stork on Iamfam
in everyday i should feed my pet
You don't NEED to feed your pet.
Feed it and pet it.
The redeem codes for the game IAmFam are "ticktock" and "owntheworld".
cheat code to iamfam car to get one
After training a pet by playing a mini game in the Pet Hatchery it gives you the option to feed a snack to your pet, all you have to do is select the snack you want to feed it then press feed pet.
you buy a food for your pet and drag it to the pet and it will eat it
feed the pet food
u feed it dirt
Hunters have a spell called "Feed Pet" that will feed their pet when it is clicked on then a food is clicked on. the food must be the appropriate level and type of food for the type of pet they have out at the moment.