you buy a food for your pet and drag it to the pet and it will eat it
You don't NEED to feed your pet.
Pet Party can be found on a variety of websites. If you go to Google and type in "Pet Party" it will give you a list of sites with Pet Party on it. See the related links.
Well.. IF You Feed the Poison on the Pet... it will die and i think you it will turn to Zombie
buy food from the store go into your inventory and drag it to your pet
feed them raw fish
You should finish mission,play games,pick up rubbish,feed your pet. Thats all i've got!
you can feed your pet by going to Gregs groceries and go to the end of the grocerie shop and press the left button 5 times and thiers your answer
in everyday i should feed my pet
You don't NEED to feed your pet.
Feed it and pet it.
After training a pet by playing a mini game in the Pet Hatchery it gives you the option to feed a snack to your pet, all you have to do is select the snack you want to feed it then press feed pet.
You cant talk on pet party
You can not have a snowball fight in pet party.
on pet party do you have to be a members to chat? yes or no
how to get marry in pet party
Pet Party can be found on a variety of websites. If you go to Google and type in "Pet Party" it will give you a list of sites with Pet Party on it. See the related links.
feed the pet food