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buy food from the store go into your inventory and drag it to your pet

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Q: How do you feed your pet on moshi monsters?
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How do you feed your pet baby dinosaur on Moshi Monsters?

Pets, or Moshlings, on Moshi Monsters, do not need to be fed.

Do you have to feed moshlings on Moshi Monsters?

No, you do not have to feed your moshling on Moshi Monsters.

How do you get moshling food on moshi monsters?

You can not feed your moshlings, but you can walk them if you are a Moshi Member. Moshlings are kind of like pets for your pet monster!

How feed your pet on Moshi Monsters?

Only your Moshi Monster needs to be fed and you'll find food for him/her at the Grossery on Main Street.

How do you dress up your pet moshling on moshi monsters?

There is no way to dress your pet moshling in moshi monsters.

Can you have two pet monsters on one membership moshi?

Sadly no, you cant have two pet monsters on one Moshi Monsters Membership. (plz add me on moshi monsters, my usernames are bubble8950 and flowerluver895 :) )

How do you walk your pet on moshi monsters?

you have to go to the grocery store by 50 slopes then feed them to your monster but if you do it wrong it will run away

Will he die for he is coughing and that on moshi monsters my monster?

No but feed him green..................add me on moshi monsters bencanz

Can you feed your friend's moshi monster?

No, you can not feed your friend's monster on Moshi Monsters. You can only feed your own monster.

What is moshi monsters virtual pet?

a moshling

Is there a way to make food for the Gross-ery Store on Moshi Monsters?

No. All you can do on Moshi Monsters is buy food from the Gross-ery Store and feed it to your Moshi Monsters.

What is the best website for pet adoption?

moshi monsters