You can't delete a pet but if you don't take care for it, it will run away which is basically deleting a pet.
it is at the market lane and market lane is below the pet pet park square
Wailing Tunnels
You don't NEED to feed your pet.
Well if you just adopted a adventure park pet go to adventure park and go the asigned person to go on your quest.If you haven't adopted a adventure park pet you can go to adventure park a chat with people :)
You can not delete it but you can make a new account.
you cant
no you cant delete your bin pet
If you want to delete your pet you have to remove the application from your facebook account
you can delete your friend in pet society by unfriending her / him on facebook.
no get a life :)
You can't delete a pet but if you don't take care for it, it will run away which is basically deleting a pet.
you can not delete it once you made it.
delete pet saga
You have to delete her on your Facebook Profile
Pet pet park is a interactive site for young kids.