She sneezed in an episode when Ash Brock and herself were helping a
Photographer named, Todd find a Articuno.
"If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know!"
there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn
Season 1, Episode 61 "The Misty Mermaid".
episode 39.5
Yes, but it is not an episode, it is the movie Pokemon 2000 (at the end)
there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn
Season 1, Episode 61 "The Misty Mermaid".
episode 39.5
Staryu is one of them
Yes, but it is not an episode, it is the movie Pokemon 2000 (at the end)
misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon
You can see Pokemon episodes on almost any anime watching site. I use's sneezes: "Talking a Good Game", "Sliding into Seventh", "Whiscash and Ash", "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew", "A Different Kind of Misty", and "If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!".May's sneeze: "Maxxed Out!"Brock's sneeze: In the banned episode "The Ice Cave" that is only in Japanese.James's sneeze: "Time Warp Heals All Wounds", "Classroom Training!"Meowth's sneeze: "Classroom Training!"Jessie's sneeze: "Classroom Training!"Dawn's sneeze: "Getting the Pre-Contest Titters"Professor Oak's sneeze: In the credits of the 4th Pokemon movie ("Pokemon 4ever!" in English)Pikachu's sneeze: "Mother of All Battlers!"That's all I know for now ^^
If the scarf fits, wear it!
episode 2 *kuma*