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misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon

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Q: Does ash ketchum and misty may dawn kiss in 1 episode of Pokemon?
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Related questions

What episode does Misty meet dawn in Pokemon?

there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn

Is there an episode when ash told misty and dawn that he loves may?

Nope. But he loves dawn. But in Pokemon he just does not want to show it

Who is the girlfriend of ash ketchum?

He has no girlfriend, at least not officially. It could be May, Misty, or Dawn.

Does misty may and dawn appear in one episode?

no. but there is an episode with dawn and may.

What episode does misty meet dawn?


In which episodes do May and Misty and Dawn fight over Ash?

Yes but it's not all three at the same time it was, misty and may, may and dawn, misty and dawn

Does ash ketchum love dawn?

There are a lot of hints. So it is possible. There are more hints than there was with Misty and May.

Who is better may misty or dawn?

Misty. She was a way better Pokemon trainer

Who loves ash ketchum?

i think misty does if you have been looking at the anime misty always showed the most hints than dawn or may. may likes drew. dawn may like someone maybe paul or kenny. misty loves ash. well so does ashs mom.

Who would win Misty or May or Dawn in a Pokemon battle?

Dawn would triumph.

What episode in Pokemon dp does misty return?

Unfortunately, She will not be returning in Pokemon DP Sinnoh League Victors. But Dawn will be reappearing to see Iris. "If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know!

Who is Ash from Pokemon going to pick Misty May or Dawn?

If i was Ash i would pick Misty XD