It depends on what the stats are for it and what you think is better.
Shadow is suppose to be stronger and faster But I like Sonic better.
its a pixel attack. doesnt exist goddamnit.
Well Mephies chaos control is kind of the same to Shadow's chaos control also he is like a shadow of Shadow's. So the answer is yes Shadow is stronger because he has more attack and he has more forms.
Yes all ghost type moves are physical attacks.
Shadow was created by Eggman's grandfather, Jerald Robotnik. The reason he created Shadow was to protect the world from the return of an all powerful alien (Shadow the Hedehog the game) Jerald's neice Maria died in the attack on the lab where Shadow was made and her dying words were along the lines of "give the humans a chance, a chance to be happy." So Shadow tries to save the word because Maria told him to
That Nidoking is pretty good. Nidokings, after about level 40, start to become weaker than other Pokemon you could have. Unless you teach that Nidoking some better moves, I would suggest getting rid of it for their stats aren't very pretty.
Personally I prefer shadow punch but, if an opponent Pokemon has a status condition poison, paralysis, sleep etc. hex does double damage!
1. Pikachu(of course) with thunderbolt,iron tail,quick attack,mud slap 2. Nidoking with Surf,Strenght,double kick,poison sting(or instead of poison sting,rock smash) 3. Arcanine with extreme speed,fire blast,bite,flamethrower 4. Kadabra(or hypno) with Psychic,hipnosis,confuse ray and dream eater 5. Umbreon with bite,shadow ball,quick attack and (any other) 6. Snorlax, with metronome,rest,snore and yawn Incase you don't know,get moon stone and evolve nidoking from nidorino and fire stone on growlithe for arcanine
Shadow does not get bounce attack.
I want to have an articuno in my party, but Nidoking came along and I'm not sure who to keep. I gave Nidoking 3 good tms (shadowball, earthquake, sludge bomb) but articuno is lvl 75 and nido king is level 73. Can you see if nidoking can fit in this party? Also, can you think of better names please? Prototype/Mewtwo lvl 89: Psychic Shadow Ball Ice Beam Recover Tweety/Zapdos lvl 86: Thunderbolt Thunderwave Detect Drill Peck Drake/Dragonite lvl 85: Outrage Thunderbolt Surf Fly Nessie/Lapras lvl 83: Ice Beam Psychic Waterfall Thunderbolt Blaze/Charizard lvl 82: Blast Burn Flamethrower Slash Fly Bowser/Nidoking lvl 73 (lvling up): Sludge Bomb Earthquake Horn Attack Shadow Ball Or big bird/articuno lvl 75: Ice Beam Blizzard Fly Mist
Yes, pets do attack in Shadow Tale. They are quite useful, especially when you play at work, like me.
Yes. If Shadow is not holding a weapon, then he will punch if the attack button is pressed.
ghost mainly shadow ball
Shadow Force.
when you are very scared.
shadow ball