deoxys attack form has the most, can have up to 504 special attack
mewtwo has the second most at 447 sp atk
darkrai and alakazam are tied for third, at 405
And i believe gengar has the fourth most, at 394
Rampardos has the highest attack.
It depends on what you mean.The Pokemon with the highest total stats attainable in Emerald is Mewtwo, who also has the Special Attack record.The Pokemon with the highest HP stat is Blissey.The Pokemon with the highest Attack is Slaking.The Pokemon with the highest Defence is Shuckle. Shuckle also has the highest Special Defense.The Pokemon with the highest Speed is Ninjask.Another AnswerThe highest total base stats currently obtainable in the game is Rayquaza's. Groudon and Kyogre are second highest, but are also equal to Slaking. It's stats are probably this high because of it's Truant ability - it is inactive every other turn.So Rayquaza has the highest stats, but Slaking is the highest non-legendary.
Special Attack determines the amount of damage dealt from a move that is in the Special category of attacks. An example of a special attack would be Bubblebeam. If an attack is in the special category, it means that it is an attack in which your Pokemon's body does not make physical contact with the other Pokemon. Example: Tackle would be a physical attack, because your Pokemon charges at your opponent's Pokemon, which makes them physically contact, while Bubblebeam is projected from a Pokemon's mouth, so your Pokemon does not physically touch your opponent's Pokemon. Special Defense deals with how much protection you get from Special category moves.
deoxys in attack form
Special attack cause its a electric type.
Deoxys-A has the highest base special attack of all pokemon, with 180. Among non-legendary pokemon, Chandelure has the highest, with 145.
Rampardos has the highest attack.
Arceus has the highest total of all stats out of all five regions. Blissey has the highest possible HP. Deoxys (Attack Forme) has the highest possible attack. Shuckle has the highest possible defence. Deoxys (Speed Forme) has the highest possible speed. Deoxys (Attack Forme) has the highest possible special attack. Shuckle has the highest possible special defence.
It depends on what you mean.The Pokemon with the highest total stats attainable in Emerald is Mewtwo, who also has the Special Attack record.The Pokemon with the highest HP stat is Blissey.The Pokemon with the highest Attack is Slaking.The Pokemon with the highest Defence is Shuckle. Shuckle also has the highest Special Defense.The Pokemon with the highest Speed is Ninjask.Another AnswerThe highest total base stats currently obtainable in the game is Rayquaza's. Groudon and Kyogre are second highest, but are also equal to Slaking. It's stats are probably this high because of it's Truant ability - it is inactive every other turn.So Rayquaza has the highest stats, but Slaking is the highest non-legendary.
Special Attack determines the amount of damage dealt from a move that is in the Special category of attacks. An example of a special attack would be Bubblebeam. If an attack is in the special category, it means that it is an attack in which your Pokemon's body does not make physical contact with the other Pokemon. Example: Tackle would be a physical attack, because your Pokemon charges at your opponent's Pokemon, which makes them physically contact, while Bubblebeam is projected from a Pokemon's mouth, so your Pokemon does not physically touch your opponent's Pokemon. Special Defense deals with how much protection you get from Special category moves.
deoxys in attack form
Special attack cause its a electric type.
basically, your favourite. but flareon has the highest attack, jolteon has the highest, leafeon has the highest defense, glaceon and umreon have the highest special defense, vaporeon has the highest health, and espeon has the highest special attack.
Sp attack is Special Attack. The greater a Pokemon's special attack the more damage will be done when using a special attack. If you go into a Pokemon's summary screen and look at the moves screen and select them with the stylus the red and yellow symbol is a physical attack and the purple wave looking one denotes a special attack.
basically, your favourite. but flareon has the highest attack, jolteon has the highest, leafeon has the highest defense, glaceon and umreon have the highest special defense, vaporeon has the highest health, and espeon has the highest special attack.
#1 Deoxys attack forme has 180 attack #2 Rampardos has 165, and is the highest attack of a non legendary