

Best Answer

It depends on what you mean.

  • The Pokemon with the highest total stats attainable in Emerald is Mewtwo, who also has the Special Attack record.
  • The Pokemon with the highest HP stat is Blissey.
  • The Pokemon with the highest Attack is Slaking.
  • The Pokemon with the highest Defence is Shuckle. Shuckle also has the highest Special Defense.
  • The Pokemon with the highest Speed is Ninjask.

Another Answer

The highest total base stats currently obtainable in the game is Rayquaza's. Groudon and Kyogre are second highest, but are also equal to Slaking. It's stats are probably this high because of it's Truant ability - it is inactive every other turn.

So Rayquaza has the highest stats, but Slaking is the highest non-legendary.

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Q: What Pokemon has the highest stats in emerald?
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