Dragonite is a Dragon- and Flying-Type, so it is weak against Rock-Types and Dragon-Types, and exceptionally weak against Ice-Types.
Dragon Type's And Ice Moves Like Dragonite Garchomp etc.
You obviously need a very strong Pokemon that can stand up against a dragonite, especially a trained one. Dragons are already hard to kill, but a Dragonite can learn many different types of moves like Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Earthquake and so on. The best would probably be a strong Ice type that can take hits but still use Ice Beam or Blizzard, since Dragonite is Dragon/Flying, both are very weak to Ice.
Dragonite is a Dragon and Flying type Pokemon it's weaknesses are: Ice, Dragon and Rock.
Yes, shinies (gold magikarp, black charzard, ect) are stronger then normal pokemon,dragonite can't stand a chance against charizard with blast burn and it can also learn rock types
dragonite 'cause its way rarer.
Dragon Type's And Ice Moves Like Dragonite Garchomp etc.
You obviously need a very strong Pokemon that can stand up against a dragonite, especially a trained one. Dragons are already hard to kill, but a Dragonite can learn many different types of moves like Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Earthquake and so on. The best would probably be a strong Ice type that can take hits but still use Ice Beam or Blizzard, since Dragonite is Dragon/Flying, both are very weak to Ice.
a toxicroak because it has water absorb so is great against milotic. It is also a fig hting type so it will be effective against ryperior and dragonite Breloom, knows spore and is grass type so it is 4 times effective against ryperior and 2 times against miliotic. Garchomp because it is fast and really really strong! and effective of dragonite
Dragonite is a Dragon and Flying type Pokemon it's weaknesses are: Ice, Dragon and Rock.
You got a good team I think. * Empoleon is a Water and Steel type, strong against Fire, Rock, and Ground * Blaziken is a Fire and Fighting type, strong against Grass, Normal, and Dark, Rock * Dragonite is a Dragon Type, strong against most, except Ice and Dragon * Ambipom is a Normal type, could teach is most attacks. (EX: Ice punch or Fire punch) * Lucario is a Fighting and Steel type, strong against Normal, Dark, Rock, and Electric * Syther is a Bug and Flying type, strong against Grass, Fighting. So, I think you got a good team there. Just keep training is the best advice I can say.
Sadly, no. The creators of the game forgot to add in the Pokedex, so trading is impossible without GameShark. :(
use action replay
dfg tyhgtg
at mt. pyre
yes there is. just fly there if you can
You can download it at 4 SHARED.