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dragonite 'cause its way rarer.

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Q: Which is better dragonite or Gyarados?
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I got heartgold.....but they are like 46 gyarados, 48 charizard, 48 aerodactyl, 49 dragonite, 49 dragonite, and 50 dragonite. (ps. alllll his dragonites are very cheap)

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Good team in Pokemon LeafGreen?

a good, easy to obtain team (my favoritooo) is... charizard gyarados jolteon hitmonchan dragonite and nidoking DO IT!

What is the best dragon-like Pokemon in LeafGreen with no trades?

Well , true dragon is a dragonite, or you can have look alikes, such as : Gyarados Aerodactyl Charizard

What do you do after you catch the red Gyarados?

after u catch the gyarados u will see lance with his dragonite standing at the edge of the to him and follow the story where u go back to the shop which is actually a hideout and battle team rocket....... :)

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Milotic is because it learns powerfull moves than gyarados

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Ditch the onix for a dragonite. ditch garaydos for a lapras. and possibly raichu for a jolteon.

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