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The stats say dragonite apart from speed

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Q: Who is better Dragonite or aerodactyl in Pokemon leaf green?
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Who is better kabuto or aerodactyl in Pokemon leaf green?

It entirely depends on how you train your pokemon. Kabuto can evolve into Kabutops though, but Aerodactyl can't evolve.

How does aerodactyl evolve in Pokemon Green leaf?

Aerodactyl does not evolve.

What is good flying Pokemon in Pokemon leaf green?

There are a lot of flying type Pokemon you can catch in leafgreen here are some good flying type Pokemon you should train remember you don't have to train these: Pidgeot, Fearow, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Gyrados, Aerodactyl, Dragonite, Farefetch'd.

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How do you obtain ancient power on Pokemon Leaf Green?

You need to level up an Aerodactyl. you need to level up aerodactyl and togepie by obtaining it from the man north west of 5 island

Is lance in Pokemon diamond and pearl?

Lance has 3 dragonites-49,49,501 gyrados-461 charizard-481 Aerodactyl-48hint use the move ice beamFrom Memory, I believe they are, Gyarados, Aerodactyl, Dragonair, and then 2 or 3 Dragonites, each one a higher level than the next.

What do you guys think about my Pokemon LeafGreen team its charzard Snorlax hypno electabuzz Dragonite and starmie?

A Pokemon Leaf Green team with Charizard, Snorlax, Hypno, Electabuzz, Dragonite, and Starmie creates a well-balanced team for fighting other Pokemon trainers. Trainers are found throughout the entire game.

How do you evolve dragonair into Dragonite on Pokemon platinum?

why ow why do you people by these games if you don't know how to play them!ok the answer is simple dragon air evolves into dragonite at level52 gottit and beleave me i have Pokemon pearl,diamond,emerald,platinum,red,blue,green,cyrstal and gold.Crystal not Cyrstal ...

What Pokemon comes from the Old Amber one Pokemon?

Aerodactyl comes from the old amber you need to revive it on seafoam islands on Pokemon leaf green and fire red , the coal museum in oreburgh on diamond and pearl. hope this helps!

Is this a good team empleon magmortar electravive abomasnow aggron Dragonite for Pokemon pearl?

yea that is a good team, your team is similar to mine, mine is BLISSY MAGMORTAR ELECTIVIRE ABOMASNOW DRAGONITE GASTRODON(THE BLUE AND GREEN ONE)

Rate my Pokemon leaf green team Charizard Gyarados Victreebell Dragonite Snorlax Nidoqueen?

I would give your team,on a scale of 1-10, a 9 1/2

What are all Aerodactyl moves in leaf green?

All of Aerodactyl's moves are: lvl:1 = Wing Attack lvl:8 = Agility lvl:15 = Bite lvl:22 = Supersonic lvl:29 = Ancientpower lvl:36 = Scary Face lvl:43 = TakeDown lvl:50 = Hyper Beam Aerodactyl is a great pokemon! Don't Teach him Hyper Beam. I use : Wing Attack, Ancientpower, Eartquake, and Fly/RockSlide. ^^