Gengar is never a wild Pokémon and therefore is not catchable. The only way you can obtain it is to trade a Haunter.
You cnnot catch it in Pokemon fire red ,but you can catch it in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.If you want it to be in your fire red,you will have to migrate it from your Diamond/pearl to your fire red.
You can get gastly and haunter in lavender town. Trade a haunter to a friend to make it evolve into gengar.
If you have Fire Red in your DS, go to the Old Chateu.
You can only catch them in Pokemon fire red.
You can't catch it on Pokemon Fire Red. You have to trade it from Leaf Green.
There is no place that you can catch a Gengar and he can only be obtained by evolving Haunter via trade.
You cant catch Gengar in there, only Gastly and the Rotom in the tv.
You cnnot catch it in Pokemon fire red ,but you can catch it in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.If you want it to be in your fire red,you will have to migrate it from your Diamond/pearl to your fire red.
You can get gastly and haunter in lavender town. Trade a haunter to a friend to make it evolve into gengar.
If you have Fire Red in your DS, go to the Old Chateu.
You can only catch them in Pokemon fire red.
You can't catch it on Pokemon Fire Red. You have to trade it from Leaf Green.
You cannot get these pokemon without trading. But you can cheat by using gameshark codes.
i have two Pokemon from Pokemon fire red/leaf green and togepi/togetic and gengar can learn metronome
It learns Mean Look at level 64.
Gastly evolves to Haunter at lv25. And Haunter evolves to Gengar after trading.