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right below veilstone city there are a few trainers and one is a beauty its where the rails and the ruin maniac are who asks to have a race with unknown, this has nothing to do with it that's just where it is

Below Veilstone city, there is a handful of trainers, to get to the trainer with the Pokemon Wormadam. to get to the trainer go: down, then turn right, then down, left, down, right, and the trainer is a girl, a beauty. She has blonde hair

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Q: Where to see wormadam in Pokemon diamond or pearl?
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What is Pokemon 46 on pearl?

Pokemon #46 is Wormadam. If you need any other help go to On the side in the diamond and pearl section it has a pokedex option, click there and you will see all the pokemon.

Can you see wormadam in eterna forest in pokemon pearl?

No, but you can get a burmy through honey trees and then evolve it into wormadam.

Where do you see wordam Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

If you want to catch one, put honey on a tree. If a female burmy comes, catch it. You can evolve this into a Wormadam.

What Pokemon do you have to see to get the national pokedex in Pokemon pearl?

you have to see all of them. i had trouble finding a wormadam holding trainer.

What Pokemon is no.46 on Pokemon Diamond?

You cannot find this Pokemon in the wild, you have to evolve a female burmy at lv.20. Or you can try the GTS.

Where do you see see wormadam in diamond?

near sendoff springs

Where do i see a sheildon on Pokemon diamond?

Exclusive to Pearl

How do you get nationaldex on Pokemon Pearl?

you get it when you see every single Pokemon in Diamond or Pearl, then go and speak to proffeser rownan

How can you get Entei on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

if you want Entei in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl you'll need a Pokemon FireRed/ LeafGreen that you started out with Bulbasaur. In FireRed/ LeafGreen if you started out with Bulbasaur [Grass-Poison] after you defeated the Pokemon and if you run into Entei in the wild capture it and migrate it into to Pokemon Diamond/Pearl through Pal Park. If you want to migrate in Diamond/Pearl you'll need to see all 150 Pokemon yes both Dialga and Palkia. You'll see Dialga in Pearl from an elderly woman who's shows you its picture and the same with Palkia in Diamond from the same elderly woman in Celestic Town. This adds its data to your Pokedex and less Pokemon to see in Diamond/Pearl.

How do you see in the desert in Pokemon?

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinium does not have any desert areas.

How do you get the national pokedex in pearl?

U have to see every Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex and to see DIalga, u have to visit some old lady in the biggest house in Celestic Town. TO see wormadam, u need to battle a lady that looks like Julia and she has a wormadam.

How many Pokemon are there in the Sinnoh pokedex on diamond?

for diamond and pearl there are 150 Pokemon u need to see . in plat nium u neeed to see 210 Pokemon.