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you get seals in sunny shore city you can walk if you just started your adventure or you can fly if you beaten the Pokemon League, but you must have a seal case before you can buy them.ok, just walk straight up pass one house and stop next to the house then you see a big building well not big but you know what i mean then walk in and talk to the man behind the counter far in the back and there you have seals. oh i forgot the seals are sold some at 50 some in the 100's maybe higher but that's where you get the seals.

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Q: Where to get seals for poke balls in Pokemon diamond?
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How do you use the seals for poke balls in Pokemon diamond?

go to your box and go to your pc. it will say ball capsules. make sure you have seals before checking the pc

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depends is it the poke balls cuz all u gotta do is buy them at the poke mart

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Catch them with Poke Balls. Or buy the game if that's your question.

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use poke balls on it

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You find Rare Candy's in Poke Balls through your adventure.

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You get poke balls, then you must go walk in grass. Then you battle it until it's health is lowered, then you throw a poke ball.Note: weak pokemon's health do not have to be lowered sometimes.

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buy them in veilstone city "mall" place.or find them in poke balls on the ground.

What is a Poke Mart in Pokemon version diamond?

its a blue shop where you can buy ethers and poke balls all sorts of stuff its blue and has a poke ball on top you cant find it on victoryer road or where your mom is.

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in Pokemon diamond ,pearl ,and platinum you find them underground other Pokemon games you are most likely to find them on the ground in small poke balls

Where do you find quick balls in Pokemon diamond?

The only place you can find them is in the poke-mart in Pastoria City, by talking to the woman on the left.

How do i check my Pokemon's happiness on Pokemon Diamond?

get the Poke tech App Poke happyness

What do seals do in Pokemon SoulSilver?

u place them on poke balls and when your in battle when u bring out a pokemon with a seal on their pokeballs u just see images like hearts , fire and so on