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get the Poke tech App Poke happyness

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Q: How do i check my Pokemon's happiness on Pokemon Diamond?
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Check happiness of Pokemon?

you can check a pokemons happiness in Diamond/pearl by the use of a poketch app, in previous games you could only know in the happiness was maxed by obtain a ribbon from a certain character depending on the game.

How do you check your Pokemon's happiness in Pokemon Emerald?

Go to Vendanturf town Talk to the lady in the house beside "Wanda's House" Note: the Pokemon that you want to check it's happiness must be in front of the line.

How do you check your pokemons happiness?

In diamond, pearl, and platinum, there's a lady in the Eterna Pokemon centre who gives you the friendship checker poketch app, you tap a pokemon, and if no hearts appear, the pokemoon doesn't like you, if one heart, it's warming up to you, two hearts means it likes you, and two big hearts means it loves you, so if a Riolu, Eevee (if you want an Umbreon or Espeon), Sneasel, Happiny, etc., it must mean it is close to evolving.

How do you check a Pokemons friendship on Pokemon Pearl?

There's a Poketch application which you can use to check your Pokemons feelings for you. You can get it at Eterna City's Pokémon Center, if you talk to a brown-haired girl, who'll give it to you. Also, there's a woman in Heathrome City who can tell you how your Pokémon feels about you. I think she's located in the Pokemon Trainer Fanclub.

How do you check a pokemons friendship status?

To check a Pokemon's friendship status (how much it likes you) you need to get pokétch app # 6. when you have this app open on your bottom screen, press and hold the touch screen where an icon of one of your Pokemon is. when you touch its icon, you get one of three reactions: nothing happens, small hearts appear, or big hearts appear. Nothing means the Pokemon is unhappy with you and doesn't like you yet. Small hearts mean the Pokemon somewhat likes you. Big hearts means it really likes you.As for evolving by happiness, you usually need it to have big hearts. I have only had one instance in which my Pokemon happiness evolved with small hearts.

Related questions

Check happiness of Pokemon?

you can check a pokemons happiness in Diamond/pearl by the use of a poketch app, in previous games you could only know in the happiness was maxed by obtain a ribbon from a certain character depending on the game.

How many gras pokemons is it on pearl?

if u mean hw many Pokemon on Pokemon dp,the answer is 151 on pearl u can check it on the pokedex in poemon diamond or pearl .

How do you evolve cleafa?

cleffa evolves into clefairy when its happiness is full, you can increase this by feeding it berries, giving it to the massage girl in veilstone city (Pokemon diamond, pearl, platinum), leveling it or giving it vitaminds. you can check its happiness in the Pokemon fan club in hearthome city (Pokemon dpp)

How can you check happiness of a Pokemon?

Pearl and Platinum

How do you check happiness in pearl?

With the happiness checker you get in the Pokemon center in etera city.

How do you know if your Pokemon is happy?

You can check a Pokemon's happiness at a game's happiness checker. Where the person is located depends on the game you are playing.

How do you check your Pokemon's happiness in Pokemon Emerald?

Go to Vendanturf town Talk to the lady in the house beside "Wanda's House" Note: the Pokemon that you want to check it's happiness must be in front of the line.

How to check happiness stat in Pokemon emereld?

A certain person in verdanturf town will let you know your pokemon's happiness.

How do you get a serious Pokémon in Pokémon pearl?

just keep catching Pokemon eventually you will get one with a serious nature you may have and don't know it you can check in the pokemons summary just keep catching Pokemon eventually you will get one with a serious nature you may have and don't know it you can check in the pokemons summary

How do you check if your Pokemon is happy in pearl?

With the happiness checker you get in the Pokemon center in etera city.

How do you check your Pokemon happiness in Pokemon heargold?

you talk to the pokemon that is folowing you than it will tell you wether it is happy or not

Which Pokemon can you only find in Pokemon Pearl and not Diamond?
