you evolve vibrava which was evolved from trapinch. you can get trapinch at the desert. trapinch evolves at lvl35 and vibrava evolves at lvl 45.
The strongest dragon type in pokemon Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby, is the legendary pokemon Rayquaza. In terms of non-legendary pokemon, both salamance and flygon are strong dragon types.
Uhh, dude Flygon simply can't fly to a legendary pokemon.
You can't make flygon learn Draco meteor in emerald Sapphire and ruby, but you can migrate flygon to d/p and platinum then try to find a house in the foggy area the psyduck were blocking if you talk to her she will teach one of your Pokemon Draco meteor but your Pokemon have to really like you so she can teach Draco meteor. Hope I hellped :))))))))))
well you cant get flygon immediately you need to catch first a vibrava and evolve him to flygon at level 45. Hope i helped!!
Unfortunately the only way to get a Flygon in Pokemon Ruby is by catching a Trapinch and evolving it into a Vibrava and then a Flygon.
get a trapinch and evolve him into flygon [trapinch found on route 111]
i don't think flygon is in soul siver or heart gold but you can get a trapinch and raise it to a flygon in Pokemon ruby,Sapphire,and emerald
yes they r blazeiken richu breloom glaily flygon and your groudon
vibrava evolves to flygon at level 45 in every game
Flygon is not available in the wild. You can however catch a Trapinch in Route 111 and when it gets to level 45 is evolves into Flygon.
Flygon is from the Hoenn region.
Vibrava is a ground and dragon type of Pokémon. In Pokémon Ruby it evolves into a Flygon when it reaches level 45.
well, really you just need to get a trapinch or vibrava. level these guys up and you can get a flygon. Mine evolved somewhere in the 30's, or was it 40's? Another easier way is to get Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald, and migrate it. hope this helps!=) PS a flygon isn't that interesting, so you might not want it.
The strongest dragon type in pokemon Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby, is the legendary pokemon Rayquaza. In terms of non-legendary pokemon, both salamance and flygon are strong dragon types.
Flygon is a dragon/ground type pokemon. It evolves from Vibrava, which evolves from Trapinch.
Uhh, dude Flygon simply can't fly to a legendary pokemon.