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Go to the pokemart ( Velistone and the Pokemon League should have a supply of dusk balls, otherwise you may come across them by having a Pokemon with the ability "PICKUP" or finding items using the dowsing app on the Pokewatch.

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Q: Where to get dusk ball in Pokemon Pearl?
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Things you need to get a Gartina in Pokemon pearl?

ultra balls or a dusk ball

On Pokemon pearl can you catch a giritina with an ultra ball?

Yes, but it might be hard. I suggest dusk balls.

What Pokemon uses a dusk stone on pearl?

In Pokemon pearl, misdreveaus evolves into mismagius with a dusk stone. In diamond, murkrow evolves into honchkrow with a dusk stone.

What is the best ball to catch Garatina in Pokemon pearl?

The best ball to catch Giratina is the Master Ball but the next best and effective options would be the Dusk Ball or the Ultra Ball.

Which Pokemon evolves using the dusk stone in Pokemon pearl?

Murkrow <----Dusk Stone----> Honchkrow Misdreavus <----Dusk Stone----> Mismagius

How can you capture mesprit in Pokemon pearl?

use a ghost type Pokemon with scary face so it cant run away and then use a dusk ball or a net ball and you will get it don't fly or it will run away

What do you do with a dusk stone on Pokemon pearl?

You use a dusk stone on a Murkrow or Misdreavus to evolve to a Mismagius

How do you get more then one dusk ball for the price of one on Pokemon Pearl?

The following is not part of the answer, just part of the story. My friend somehow got me 18 dusk balls for the price of one. (on my Pokemon pearl version) He told me it was a secret. I'd just like to know how he did it. (I didn't even have a cheat engine!)

Where do you get a dusk stone in Pokemon Pearl?

Go underground and dig.

With which pokeball can you catch hetran in Pokemon platinum and pearl?

The Master Ball is easiest of course but there are other Pokemon that are harder to catch so you might wanna save it for them. You can also catch it with a Dusk Ball or an Ultra Ball but his HP will have to be very low and it would help a great deal if he was asleep. So the easy way = Master Ball Hard way = Ultra Ball or Dusk Balls

What ball do you use to catch Darkia in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl?

the best way to catch darkia is to use dusk balls or wait 10 or 15 turns and use a timer ball