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That was a Dark Ball.

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Q: Was it a dusk ball that caught Celebi in Pokemon 4 ever?
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Did the Iron masked marauder use a dusk ball to catch Celebi In Pokemon 4 ever?

No he used his own kind of pokeballs that make pokemon evil when they are caught with it.

Can you get Articuno with a ultra ball?

Yes. You can pretty much catch any Pokemon in any ball. I caught mine in a Dusk Ball.

Are dive ball can catch Articuno in Pokemon Soulsilver?

I have Articuno I found that dusk balls are the best I caught it with it!

On Pokemon pearl what should i use my master ball on because theres a lot of rare Pokemon that are really hard to catch and people are saying don't use it on that?

To answer that question, only use a Master ball when a Pokemon usually runs from a battle. The 2 perfect examples are Mesprit and Cresselia. Try your best at the rest of them. I caught Dialga with a Dusk Ball in Diamond. I've also caught a Uxie and an Azelf with a Dusk Ball in Platinum.

Where can you catch Palkia on Pokemon platinum?

you can catch palkia by going to spear pilla and solve the maze in it and when you finish that catch it with a master ball (i caught it with a dusk ball) and you will have a palkia!

How do you catch geratina in Pokemon Diamond?

i caught it with a dusk ball just try and lower it's hp a lot. i recommend you take a lvl 70 and above Pokemon to drain it's hp down to yellow or red, then use a weak lvl 30 to 40 Pokemon to take the rest of it's hp down slowly. once you do that, us dusk ball as they are the best and you should catch it. i used about 6 dusk balls, then i caught it. hope this helps.

What does a dark ball do to a Pokemon?

Well, its called dusk ball and it catches the pokemon at dark places.

What is a dark ball in Pokemon?

No, there is no such thing as A dark ball, But there are Dusk balls.

Where do you get a dusk ball in diamond?

Buy it at the poKemon league

What pokeball is best to catch Rotom?

a dusk ball when he is on yellow but use a 23 and under Pokemon and you can find the dusk ball at the inside of the Pokemon legue at the right counter

Is it better to use a dusk ball or a timer ball to capture a Legendary Pokemon?

I find dusk balls much more helpful.

Were is a dusk-ball in Pokemon diamond?

You can buy them at the Pokemon Mart for 1,000 Pokedollars.