The best place to get crimson Charms would be killing the high level cockroaches at the player safety dungeon.
you can get alot of charms by killing rock crabs, however i would not advise this at peak times as it can get overcrowded quickly.
Tormented Wraiths, Water Feinds, Skeletal Wyverns, Shadow Warriors, Rock Lobsters, Greater Demons, Dust Devils, and Black Demons give a good crimson charm rate.
No, you have to kill monsters like cockroach soldiers to get charms.
Almost every Monster Drops Gold Charms but you can receive multiple charms from the level 111 Giant Rock Crab in the Chaos Tunnels.
When I trained range on fire giants i got like 100 blue charms or more their not likely to appear though that's just one of the monsters that drop them try going to a runescape help site and type in monsters that do drop blue charms.
hellhounds drop 100% bones. they also drop charms,gold,green,crimson, and blue. and clue scrolls
you can get alot of charms by killing rock crabs, however i would not advise this at peak times as it can get overcrowded quickly.
You get charms by monster drops.
Tormented Wraiths, Water Feinds, Skeletal Wyverns, Shadow Warriors, Rock Lobsters, Greater Demons, Dust Devils, and Black Demons give a good crimson charm rate.
Yes all types of cockroaches drop crimson charms.
No, you have to kill monsters like cockroach soldiers to get charms.
One of the fastest ways to get a lot of charms - including many blue charms - is to kill rock lobsters with the spell "ice barrage". Note that this spell requires a high magic level, and a lot of money. Otherwise, I would suggest you just do slayer tasks - preferably from the highest-level slayer master that is feasible for your combat and slayer level - and not worry about what type of charms you get; however, the genral tendency is that higher-level monsters give you better charms (for example, less gold, and more crimson and blue).
Sorry but I'm afraid you cant re-use gold charms on Runescape, but however you'd be glad to know they are stackable.
Slayer usually gets it
Waterfiends are a good option - according to an online guide, about 76% of them drop crimson charms. In any case, if you want charms, I would suggest that: (1) You do slayer tasks, that way you train Slaying as well. Most slayer monsters drop some sort of charm. (2) If you still don't get enough charms (that is, you have 99 Slayer but didn't achieve 99 Summoning yet; or you have the impression that your Summoning level is way behind your Slaying level), kill Bork once a day, to get some extra charms. Ideally, you should do all the Varrock Tasks (all four levels, including Elite); that way, Bork will drop almost twice as many charms.