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thery are all just in random places this wont help much but press A against loads of rocks maybe underwater

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Q: Where to get a water stone in emerald?
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Where can you buy a water stone in Pokemon emerald?

you cannot buy a water stone

What Pokemon uses a water stone in Pokemon Emerald?

you can use a water stone on lombre

Where do you get a water stone from on Pokemon Emerald?

abandoned ship

What level lombre evolve in emerald?

You use a WATER STONE on Lombre to get Ludicolo.

Where to get a water stone in Pokemon emerald?

get a life. then get it at the abandoned ship!

How do you get Lukario in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't get Lucario in Ruby, Saphire or Emerald. Diamond, Pearl and Platinum only. sorry....

What Pokemon can you use water stone in Pokemon emerald?

Lombre and etc

Where can you buy a water stone?

You can't in Ruby, Sapphire, or emerald, you have to look for them.

How do you get a ludicolo in emerald?

Evolve a lotad then use a water stone on lombre.

On what route do you find a water stone in Pokemon emerald?

On the abandoned ship.

What level does staryu evolve on emerald?

It evolves by use of a water stone, level has nothing to do with it.

Where do you get a water stone in Pokemon emerald?

all you need is a blue shard and go to the shard maniac just of mossdeep and he will give you a water stone and a water stone can evolve starmie, and lotad :)