I am not 1 hundred percent sure but I think that if you go to olivine city go and talk to every sailor on the dock where you board the S.S. aqua
I say every sailor because I don't remember which one
if Pokemon gold use good or super rod in oivine city on Thursday.
a fisher man in olivine city
IT evolves at level 40 only in shiny gold
At level 40 only in shiny gold
You cannot catch a dragonite in gold you have to just train a dragonair or dratini. Theyre usually in the dragons den . u can catch them with good rod or most likely super rod. sometimes w/ super rod u'll get dragonair. good luck!
FROM A FISHERMAN. Who wants you to catch a magikarp and trade it to him for the old rod
go talk to everyone and you receive a super rod
Literally anywhere you see water. Use a fishing rod to catch one. There all over the place! XD -Chii
go to olivine city and then go to one of the small houses and he should give one to you
Good luck! 45231539584B19 D80CC66ACE71B3D3 1F6A85FB198DF179 5413C86773ECB8A0 BDD8B251 sadsafwf521345131123541685abHere is the shiny code: 3534
k first its heart gold not "shiny gold" and all u need is the ds
solid, shiny, good conductor of electricity
if Pokemon gold use good or super rod in oivine city on Thursday.
a fisher man in olivine city
IT evolves at level 40 only in shiny gold
At level 40 only in shiny gold