You cannot catch a dragonite in gold you have to just train a dragonair or dratini. Theyre usually in the dragons den . u can catch them with good rod or most likely super rod. sometimes w/ super rod u'll get dragonair. good luck!
ummmm,., u can't get dragonite right away,.,. you catch dratini in leader brock place
get a dratini and lvl it up, at lvl 30 becomes dragonair and 55 it becomes dragonite
No if you want one you will need to trade a dratini from firered or leafgreen to sapphire then train it to level 55 OR purify the shadow dragonite in Pokemon xd gale of darkness then trade it to sapphire.
You can catch Slowpoke in Pokemon Gold in the Slowpoke Well that is by Azalea Town and you can also find them in Tohjo Falls.
No it doesn't, it learns it by move tutor in Blackthorn City
No you can't catch a Dragonite in Pokemon Black you need to trade him from Heart Gold,but instead u can catch a Dratini from Dragonspiral Tower
to get dragonite you have to evolve dragonair at lvl 55. that's the only way to get dragonite.
ummmm,., u can't get dragonite right away,.,. you catch dratini in leader brock place
No, you need to evolve a Dragonair.
get a dratini and lvl it up, at lvl 30 becomes dragonair and 55 it becomes dragonite
You can get dratini in Blackthorn City. It evolves into dragonite
You can't. You have to catch a dratini and involve it. You can find dratini at Brock's place and the rooms
You don't have to, but I recommend that you catch all shadow Pokemon you can. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if u catch all 82 then u can get dragonite ,and if u miss them get them from miror b.
catch all of the shadow Pokemon in the game then go to the top of the lighthouse and you will fight Minor B.
hes somewhere (not eveolved) or you could import him from another game
You go to the dragons den (silver-soulsilver-gold-heartgold-crystal) and catch a Dratini train to lv 30 for dragonair and then to lv 55 for dragonite.
No if you want one you will need to trade a dratini from firered or leafgreen to sapphire then train it to level 55 OR purify the shadow dragonite in Pokemon xd gale of darkness then trade it to sapphire.