Kill the dark gaia phanox
well i haven't played sonic unleashed for awhile so when i play it I'll tell ya ;) fyi just saying I'm not a dude -_-
You have to find the right shoes. They're in Shamar's Entrance Stage.
You get them from Spagonia in the Gaia Gate. Explore a bit and you should be able to find them.
The Ultimate Flash Sonic is a popular video game from the Sonic brand. You can purchase the Ultimate Flash Sonic game from your local used video game retailer. You may also find a copy on E-Bay.
The bonus video will be unlocked after finding all the secret capsules in all the levels and the temples.
For a video walkthrough you can try going to Youtube and typing "Sonic Unleashed walkthrough". You might also try game sites like Gamespot or IGN. For written or more indebt walkthroughs you might want to try the ones at GameFAQs.
By completing night missions(Completing Sonic the werehog missions).
Depends on your choice. At sonic unleashed WII/PS2 version is sonic colours surely better. At sonic unleashed XBOX360/PS3 version it depends on what you like, the most will like sonic colours more where it's more based on speed. At sonic unleashed you have a lot of werehog stages which are slowly and in my opinion very good, but doesn't fit in a sonic game. This is just an opinion of me, maybe you think different about it so to find that out you can watch some gameplay movies on youtube. ;)
A Video store, online lots of places. But mainly a video store!
it's in megaupload. ANSWERD BY SONICFREAK94,,,,, and
Kill the dark gaia phanox
well i haven't played sonic unleashed for awhile so when i play it I'll tell ya ;) fyi just saying I'm not a dude -_-
You have to find the right shoes. They're in Shamar's Entrance Stage.
Go down into the Spangonian sewers and you will find a record. That is the Endless Possibilities track!