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You get them from Spagonia in the Gaia Gate. Explore a bit and you should be able to find them.

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Q: Where do you get wall jumping shoes in Sonic Unleashed?
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On sonic unleashed were do you get the wall jumping shoes?

You cant get the wall jumping shoes until you get the stomping shoes in Holaska then you find the jumping shoes in Spagonia.

In sonic unleashed Xbox 360 where and how do you get light speed shoes?

you get the light speed shoes in Chun-Nan, and you can get the wall jumping shoes in Spagonia!not! the light speed shoes is in Shamer!

How do you wall jump on sonic unleashed?

You need to find the right shoes. In the Xbox 360 version they're in Spagonia's Entrance Stage, but you can't get them until you have the shoes that let you stomp. THEY'RE in Holoska. I don't know about the other platforms.

How do you climb wall on sonic unleashed ps3 game?

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"No, A sonic wall does not provide noise insulation. Sonic-wall is company that sells firewall protection and routers for your computer.They also have a website that informs you of how to set up your firewall for your computer."

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How do get a lot of rings in Sonic Unleashed?

Go to the village in Chun-nan and then go into the entrance stage. you can wall jump to a high up platform that you may already know of, that have a circle of rings. if you take all of the rings, they will appear back. you can do this over and over. fastest way to get the rings, is to sonic dash into the rings to collect all of them in one boom.

How can you morf?

by jumping into a brick wall at 120 mph

Who is more famous WALL-E or Sonic the Hedgehog?

On FanFiction.Net you see that more people are into Sonic.

Where is the music for eggmanland in sonic unleashed?

Well the music to Eggmanland can be found in Eggmanland so i cant remember exactly where but I'm sure when you get to the green area you will have to do a wall jump. So do a wall jump and follow the path you should see it. (I haven't played it in ages so please don't leave a bad comment) Hope it helped. :)

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An outfielder just cannot be jumping up against the wall/fence, I mean up onto the wall/fence.

How does Spider-Man get around?

walking, climbing and jumping from wall to wall, or using his web to swing around