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Get a super rod in Pokemon Platinum and then fly to resort area.

Fish in the water and Magikarps will come up.

The Magikarps are lvls 50-100.

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Q: Where to find a level 85 Pokemon in the wild?
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Problem you have a 85 level Kyogre and other Pokemon above 60 level but you cannot win the battle tower?

The other Pokemon must be level 85 as well then you can win.

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level it up to lvl. 85 sorry if i afend you but it is 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85!

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The rival's starter gets up to level 85

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If you can get a garchomp from level 85-100 with some potions you can kill all of them

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Articuno learns sheer cold at a level 85.

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Have a level 100 Risheram that knows fly. Have a level 85 or higher Victini (if you don't have one use a Volcarona level 90 or higher.) Have another level 100 and 3 more Pokemon that are level 75 or higher.

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The last move it learns is Outrage, at level 85

How can you beat Cynthia on Pokemon pearl with only Palkia?

Raise him to level 85 and get loads of medicine and then try your VERY best!

What is the best Pokemon team to beat the Pokemon league in Pokemon platinum with inferape as a starter?

I depends on the legendary Pokemon you have. Cynthia has a different types of Pokemon like you would. The best team consists of a wide variety of Pokemon. It also depends on the level. If all the Pokemon are around level 70 the best team is- Infernape, Wailord, Gabite or Garcomp (either is fine), Palkia, Raichu (only if it is Level 85 or higher), and finally a high level graveler

What do you unlock on level 85 on mobsters?

The ability to say your level 85.

How do you beat the Pokemon league in Pokemon Platinum?

my suggestion would be to first of all get all your pokemons to level 55 to 60 then you will have a much better chance to beat the Pokemon league. you will also need lots of fullrestores, revives, etc. i beat the Pokemon league with Garchomp level 56 ( now level 66) Flareon level 60 ( now level 68) Empoleon level 59 ( now level 67) Staraptor level 55 (now level 57) Torterra level 85 (now level 90) Gengar level 60 (now level 68)

Where do you get an Totodile in Pokemon LeafGreen?

# Gen 2 games cannot trade with gen. 3 or later versions (which sux cuz i had a killer level 85 and a cloned level 91 Feraligatr) ]=