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U just keep looking for it in catalogs till u find it (including secret items) or maybe u will find it in a party as a free item

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Q: Where to find a camera in Club Penguin?
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How do you get the carmra in club penguin?

if you mean camera then you find it in some catalogs !

How do you put the camera in the tree in club penguin?

find the right tree and drag it to the tree.

How do you use the camera on ski hill on club penguin?

Buy the camera and wave

How do you get a security camera in Club Penguin?

i dont know where it is

Is the camera still available on club penguin?


Where do you get the camera club penguin for a stamp?

at the party ofcors

Where do you find the camera at the ski hill in club penguin?

There isn't a camera at the ski hill. You buy one at the play shadow guy and gamma girl

Do you have to be a member to make a snapshot on club penguin?

Yes, you need to have a camera and you have to buy the camera.

How do you hid from both cameras when you take the test in club penguin?

First, hide from camera 1. Then, throw a snowball at camera 2. when it turns on, it won't find you.

On Club Penguin where do you find the party hat?

find it in the aniversrey of club penguin

How do you use the camera on club penguin?

To use the camera, you have to be wearing only the camera and wave. This should make the camera work.

How do you make the camera on club penguin?

You can't make it. You can buy it