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Buy the camera and wave

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Q: How do you use the camera on ski hill on club penguin?
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Where do you find the camera at the ski hill in club penguin?

There isn't a camera at the ski hill. You buy one at the play shadow guy and gamma girl

How do you get the camera stamp on club penguin?

Wear only a camera on your neck and nothing else. Go to the Ski Hill and wave.

How do you bring the camera to the ski hill on club penguin?

Buy a camera from the stage catalog (sometimes it's not there) the put it on and go to the ski hill. To use it press w or d, I forgot which one, then you got your stamp.

Where is the Ski Hill on Club Penguin?

It is on the map!

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Ski hill

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Where is the new mountain in club penguin?

the ski hill

Where is the ski pole in club penguin field op?

At the top of the ski hill

What do you do on ski hill on club penguin?

Sledge to win coins!

Where is the disgused antina on club penguin?

It's on Ski Hill.

Where is the hidden EPF antennae on club penguin?

Ski hill

How do you find the atenna in club penguin?

It's on Ski Hill.