After you defeat the Pokemon League and receive a National Pokedex, you can go to Spring Path and follow it all the way through. Eventually, you will encounter Giratina.
You cannot rebattle legendary pokemon. (Correction, Giratina is on Platinum ONLY)
garchomp, dragonite, milotic, dialga, giratina garchomp, dragonite, milotic, dialga, giratina
you can find change giratina 1 way or you can find giratina the first way to change giratina is to transfer it to platinum the first way to find giratina is to go to the pillar and it will appear
You cannot get Giratina in Pokemon Emerald. Emerald is a third generation Pokemon game, and Giratina didn't appear until the fourth generation, with Diamond and Pearl.
In Platinum, you first meet Giratina in the Distortion World. If you kill him there instead of catching him, he will reappear post-game in Turnback Cave (off of Route 214). If you caught him in the Distortion World, you’ll find a Griseous Orb in Turnback Cave where Giratina would‘ve been. He only appears post-game in Turnback Cave in Diamond and Pearl. If you kill him there, well…just make sure you save the game before battling him.
Try the cave in Sendoff Spring after you beat the elite 4 and you will find a giratina.
he should be in turn back cave after you get the natinal pokedex =)
its giratina not garatina and its available for capture in the turn back cave. you have to find 3 pillars then proceed to the next room and giratina awaits
You find him in a cave, near the town that starts wit a p and its at the bottom,
There is no possible way to find GIRATINA in Black. You'll have to migrate it from HeartGold, SoulSilver, Platinum, Pearl or Diamond. Hope this helped
Nowhere. There's no such thing as a "Giratina Video"
Diamond/Pearl- You can find Giratina in Turnback Cave after you've received the National Dex (Lv 70). Platinum- You find Giratina, origin form, in the Distortion World (Lv 47). In it's place at Turnback Cave is a portal that leads to another part of the Distortion World where you find the Platinum Orb, which allows you to change Giratina's form.
You can't get Giratina in Pokémon Black but you can use the Poké Transfer in order to transfer it from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver.
you can't
use an escape rope in diamond and in platinum ull find out on ur own idiots
lol. You don't. Giratina's found in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum only
In diamond, you get dialga at spear pillar. In pearl, you'll get palkia at spear pillar. You'll find Giratina at the hidden lake after you beat the elite four.