you can find change giratina 1 way or you can find giratina
the first way to change giratina is to transfer it to platinum
the first way to find giratina is to go to the pillar and it will
you can't
to get giratina you need to go to the distortion world and catch it but when you go back to your world it will change it's form to altered form to keep it in it's original form you need to have giratina, beet the Pokemon league then go back to the distortion world and you will apper where you catched giratina,go down then you will see a pokeball go get it and it will give you the griseious orb now go back to your world again and give the griseious orb to giratina and it will change back to it's original form
No, it's not playable in Battle Revolution because there's no data for the new Platinum forms for Giratina, Shaymin and Rotom so they'll be as they were if you were copying them from Diamond and Pearl.
Rotom can change forms in platinum
Giratina's Japanese name is just Giratina. Its Katakana name is ギラティナ.
Not color, but it can change forms. Though, if it's a shiny Giratina, it'll be a different color than a normal Giratina.
You can't change Giratina's form in Pokémon Diamond or Pearl, you can only change it in Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver.
You can't change Giratina's form in Pokemon Pearl (that includes Diamond). You can change Giratina's form in Pokemon Platinum (that includes Heart Gold and Soul Silver). You can change Giratina's form with the Griseous Orb. To change Giratina's form give Griseous Orb to Giratina and then take it off and Giratina changed its form.
Beat the Elite Four and then go to Turnback cave(South of Veilstone along Spring Path)In there is an entrance to the distortion world where the Griseous orb lies. Make Giratina hold it and he will change into the origin form.
Giratina Altered Forme is a character form from the popular Pokemon game series. It is actually Giratina's altered form.
Well, the Griseous Orb transforms Giratina into it's other forme in Platinum so, you can't actually get a Griseous Orb in Diamond. But if you trade Pokemon with someone who has platinum (and Giratina origin form) you can remove their griseous orb and give it to your giratina, it may change forms.
the same with 5 forms of rotom and 2 forms of giratina and a new shaymin
get the gracidea flower for shaymin to change and get some orb to change giratina there are about 5 different forms for rotom, another form for giratina and another form for shaymin
you cant but you can in explorers of the sky by getting giratina's special orb
you can't
same amount its just giratina shaymin and rotom who will have difrent forms
there are two forms, origin forme, and altered forme.