.nds and you can download roms in that format.....
NDS Homebrew Hive.
Games-engine or hkorz
You need to download an emulator that supports wifi
You can download bakugan nds game fromwww.ndsdl.com there is a search bar in that search bar go to no. 4295 and download bakugan game.
free download pokemon white nds rom
you can,t download it
You can't
you don't. that would be illegal.
.nds and you can download roms in that format.....
NDS Homebrew Hive.
You can't
by waiting till it releases
Games-engine or hkorz
First you have to download winrar.Then you download whatever ds game you are downloading .Then you right click the ds game icon.Then you click extract all .Then it has been converted into a nds file.
Buy yourself an R4 and download the nds file for it ;D