you can find feebas on the way to catch garitina diaogia and palkia you need to use a good rod to catch him
You can't catch shiny legendary Pokemon without cheats... sorry
It takes luck to come across a shiny, but when you find one you catch it like you would catch a regular Pokemon.
No they programmed the game so you can't catch shiny victini, reshiram, and zekrom. All other pokemon can be found shiny.
The same way you would catch a normal Pokemon. The only difference is is that the Pokemon is shiny.
Well to get Garitina use the master ball to catch Garitina or some dusks balls or timer balls or some quick balls.
You can't catch Garitina on Pokemon White.
If you kill Garitina on diamond, you will kill am and never have him. i would recommend saving before you catch Garitina.
to catch a gariina you have to use a master ball from cyrus
catch or defete garitina
u cant
You go and get a action replay and get the rest or get darkri with the event
a master ball
i think garitina L.70
yeah i did a cheat of garitina
yeah go to turn back cave but u need to have national dex
you can find feebas on the way to catch garitina diaogia and palkia you need to use a good rod to catch him