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you can find feebas on the way to catch garitina diaogia and palkia

you need to use a good rod to catch him

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Q: Pokemon pearl where is the most common tile to find feebas?
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Do you need to be a girl character in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl to get feebas?

No you just need to try to find the Pokemon in mt.coronet

Where can you find a feebas in pokemon vortex?

you will find feebas in the water of grass maps in pokemon vortex

How do you get a feebas in Pokemon Pearl?

In Mt.Cornet there's a lake that's also where you get a Whishcash.Hope you good luck.There rare to find there.

Where can you find a feebas in Pokemon HeartGold?

You cannot find a Feebas on the game but you can find a Feebas on the Pokewalker Route Quiet Cave

Where is feebas in Pokemon Sapphire?

you can find a feebas in route 118 and 119 but its hard to find

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Buneary can be found in the Eterna Forest on Pokemon Pearl. It is rather common and not hard to find.

How do you find a feebas in Pokemon emerald?


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Where can you find a Feebas on Pokemon Platinum?

Feebas are tricky to catch you can only find them in certain floors in Mt. cornet.

Pokemon Pearl version where to find a feebas?

Feebas can be found in both Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Diamond by doing the same thing. All you need to do is go to the basement of Mt. Coronet, and fish in the water with either the Good or Super rod. Feebas is found in 4 random tiles which change places daily. The odds of finding Feebas in one of these spots is 80% or so . Try going to the corners of the water. He is usually there.

Where can you find feebas on pearl?

fish in the pools/lakes in mount coronet :)

Where can you find a Feebas in Pokemon Emerald?

Feebas in Emerald and in Pokemon Pearl, pearl and diamond you go in mount cornet where there is a lake. and in Emerald you go to route 119 and i appears 6 times so if that happens go to downdraft and change the phrase. USE A SUPER ROD AND FOR A FEEBAS TO EVOLVE MAKE IT EAT BEAUTY BLOCKS AND THEN MAKE IT LEVEL UP AND THEN IT EVOULVES.HOPE THIS helps you! and sorry for the spelling.