in cerulean cave there is mewtwo lv. 70 and in navel rock lugia and ho-oh is lv. 70 but you have to get a mystic ticket from a event except mewtwo
Mewtwo is at level 70 when you find it on leaf green.
you can't catch him in platinum without a lot of work. first, catch it at battle mountain in Pokemon colloseum and trade it to a gba Pokemon game, like leaf green. then, transfer it through pal park. oh, and if wanna get a ho ho, go to a gas station. Hohos are cakes. ho-oh is a Pokemon.HO oh is obtained in soulsilver at level 70 and in heart gold at 45
to catch a spiritomb Notice: all the Pokemon in your party have to be at least a lv.70
ANSWER 1:Mewtwo appears only in Fire Red and Leaf Green. You can catch him in either of those games and then trade him to Pokemon Ruby.sorry mate its impossible only way is to trade like this guy said (: (: (: (: (: (: (:ANSWER 2:I regret to tell you that you cannot catch Mewtwo in Ruby. You can only catch Mewtwo in FireRed or LeafGreen. (You can use cheats to get it but it wouldn't be as fun).Mewtwo is at Level 70 in LeafGreen and FireRed so use an Ultra Ball/Timer Ball/Master Ball.If you need/want a Mewtwo you can trade Mewtwo into your Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Game.
catch it in spear pillar w/ the adamant orb. Dialga appears at Level 70
Mewtwo is at level 70 when you find it on leaf green.
The highest level Pokemon you can catch is a level 70 Mewtwo.
You have to train your Pokemon to at least lv 70 and then beat them the first time and go back and face them again.
Sorry, but Lugia was released via special event in America in 2004 0r 2005 the only way now is to: 1. Get Pokemon Heartgold on the DS (lv 45). 2. Get Pokemon Soulsilver on the DS (lv 70). 3. 0r Action replay, Gameshark, etc.
you can't catch him in platinum without a lot of work. first, catch it at battle mountain in Pokemon colloseum and trade it to a gba Pokemon game, like leaf green. then, transfer it through pal park. oh, and if wanna get a ho ho, go to a gas station. Hohos are cakes. ho-oh is a Pokemon.HO oh is obtained in soulsilver at level 70 and in heart gold at 45
Yes if you go to the power plant you will either find a zaptos or a couple of electrodes and magnemites. Also beat the elite 4 and then go to the islands and catch a level 60 or 70 electric pokemon
i think garitina L.70
Yes,its level is 70.
Yes. It will be at level 70.
no it isn't. unlike Pokemon diamond, you can catch all sinnoh Pokemon and you can also catch palkia at lv 70. Instead of dialga at lv 47, lv 70 in platinum. and you can catch a lv 47 giratina and lv 50 heatran. hope i helped!
On Pokemon D/P you get him at LV 47 on Pokemon Platinum you get at LV 70
When it is at the Sky Pillar, and you catch it, it will be Lvl. 70.