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you can't catch him in platinum without a lot of work. first, catch it at battle mountain in Pokemon colloseum and trade it to a gba Pokemon game, like leaf green. then, transfer it through pal park. oh, and if wanna get a ho ho, go to a gas station. Hohos are cakes.

ho-oh is a Pokemon.HO oh is obtained in soulsilver at level 70 and in heart gold at 45

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Can you catch a Ho-Ho in Sapphire?

no, you can in gold

What kind of poke ball do you use to catch HO HO on sousilver?

you catch him with a master

How do you catch ho ho?

you do the ho ho event you have to find the ticket

How do you catch a Ho-oh on Pokemon FireRed?

You can catch a Ho-Oh at Navel Rock in Pokemon FireRed.

How do you catch a ho oh?

You can catch ho-oh at navel rock if you have a mystic ticket if you don't have the ticket you can get a ho-oh from Pokemon colosseum instead.

Can you get Ho Ho in Pokemon silver version?

Yes. I think you can catch both Ho Ho and Lugia

If you flee from ho ho can you catch it again soul silver?


What is the easiest way to catch ho ho?

Master Ball

How do you catch Ho-oh without replay?

You catch Ho-oh in Colluseum and you trade it to the GBA game, and then you migrate.

Where else does HO-HO appear in the game?

Ho-Ho the legendary Pokémon appears in both games: Pokémon Heart Gold: Ho-Ho is the legendary you can catch in the game. Pokémon Soul Silver: You can catch Ho-Ho after you get the Rainbow Wing from the man in Creaulean City. Then you go to the bell tower and at the top the Kimono Girls will dance like they did for Lugia and then you battle HO-HO and catch it. The Ho-Ho will be lvl 70. (sorry if its not in creaulean City) and sorry if its wrong.

How do you catch a ho-oh in platinum?

Ho-oh is unobtainable in Platinum.