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Victory Road

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Q: Where to catch heatmor?
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How do you catch heatmor Pokemon white?

In victory Road. Outside not in a CAVE

How do you catch heatmor in Pokemon white?

In Victory Road, rough ground outside.

How do you catch a heatmor on soul silver?

Heatmor isn't in Pokemon SoulSilver or Pokemon HeartGold. It's only available for Pokemon Black and White and Pokemon Black 2 and White 2.

What evolves into heatmor?

Heatmor does not evolve into or from any Pokémon.

Does Heatmor evolve in Pokemon Black?

No, Heatmor does not evolve.

What type of Pokemon is Heatmor?

Heatmor is a Fire type pokemon.

What is the national pokedex number for Heatmor?

Heatmor is #631 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fire type Pokemon.

Is heatmor a legendary Pokemon?

No, Heatmor is not a legendary Pokémon. Heatmor is a Fire-type Pokémon introduced in the fifth generation of Pokémon games, known for its long, tube-like body and its ability to spew fire from its tail. Legendary Pokémon are rare, powerful creatures with unique abilities and lore surrounding them, usually playing a significant role in the Pokémon world's mythology and stories. Heatmor is not classified as a legendary Pokémon but rather as a standard species within the game.

What happens if you put a heatmor and durant in the day care center?

Nothing. Heatmor is Field egg group, Durant is Bug. Because they do not share an egg group, they cannot breed, and all that will happen is they will level as normal.

What Pokemon are found on victory road in Pokemon white?

durant heatmor and terrakion

What Pokemon are 136 and 137 in the unova pokedex?

136 is mandibuzz and 137 is heatmor

What Pokemon should you have to beat the elite four in Pokemon white?

Have a Serperior,Darmanitan,Heatmor,Unfezant,Durant, and Throh. When you go to the champion, make sure you have a master ball to catch Zekrom and put him in your party by replacing Durant with Zekrom. I did this same exact thing and won. The champion has a Reshiram,Klinklang,Zoroark,Sigilyph, and i can't remember the others. Make sure have full restores and revives and lots of them. My only Pokemon i have are Zekrom,Serperior,Darmanitan,Heatmor,Unfezant, and Durant.