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the heck i o think there r only 3 badges in this game

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Q: Where the 4th badge in Pokemon global revolution?
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WHERE THE 4th badge in global revolution?

the heck i o think there r only 3 badges in this game

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get the 4th gym badge and then give him a pokemon... get the 4th gym badge and then give him a pokemon...

Where is the fourth Pokemon badge in FireRed?

The 4th pokemon badge is given by Erika the Celadon City Gym Leader.

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It's erika the grass type user. the badge is the rainbow badge

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the 4th badge. it also is the horse jumping through something with a ball in the middle

Where do you get the 4th gym badge in Pokemon sapphire?

in lavarage town

How do you get the 4th badge in Pokemon FireRed?

by battleling in their leader..........← by battleling in their leader..........←

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get the 4th badge in celadon city

How do you get the 4th badge in Pokemon emerald?

by beating the fourth gym leader

What badge do you have to beat to get strength in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You don't need a badge to get strength but you need a badge to use strength and that badge is the rainbowbadge and that is the 4th one in celadon city.

Where is the 4 badge in Pokemon sappier?

The 4th Badge is in Mauville City. But let me tell you getting it is very tricky. And you might wanna find a fire Pokemon.