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get the 4th gym badge and then give him a pokemon... get the 4th gym badge and then give him a pokemon...

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Q: How do you get pass the grunt that's blocking the door in Pokemon diamond on mt cornett?
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How do you get past the galactic grunt blocking the cave entrence in mt cornet in Pokemon diamond?

there is another entrance on the left

How do you get past galactic grunt with no Pokemon diamond?

You are going the wrong way!

What if you already have seven gym badges can you still give the lonely grunt a Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?


How do you pass the man blocking sunyshore city in Pokemon platinum?

im stuck on this too. people say you have to go to oreburgh city, enter mt. coronet and head to the top. they say there is a galactic grunt blocking the passageway that leads to the spear pillar. but i dont see a galactic grunt blocking the picture of pokemon.

Why is there a G grunt in front of the cave on Pokemon pearl?

because hes blocking the way out to celestic town

Why isn't the team galactic grunt there with the storage key when I have done all the missions I have to in Pokemon Diamond?

To get into the Team Galactic HQ in Pokemon Diamond you will need the storage key the Galactic Grunt leaves behind, and the Dusk Stone. If you can't get the key, it may mean you have not completed a mission.

What happens if the galactic grunt isn't there to give you the key and you have 7 gym badges on Pokemon diamond?

You don't get it from a grunt you find it on the ground (looks like a pokeball as always)

If your 4th gym badge is dirty can you still give the lonely grunt that says he is hopelessly lost a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

no, this is absolute rubbish

How do you get those Psyducks to move in Pokemon diamond?

Cynthia(pokemon league champion) will give it to you when you follow the team galactic grunt from Pastora City.

How do you give the grunt a Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

There is no grunt that you can give a Pokemon to in Pokemon platinum.

What if there is no grunt in front of the warehouse in Pokemon diamond?

go to the floroma meadow battle the grunts the baldy will give you the key in

How do you get past the lonely grunt in mt coronet in Pokemon diamond?

If youre talking about the lost one she doesnt battle you