Poliwag is not available in Pokémon Emerald Version. You must trade it from Pokémon FireRed or LeafGreen Versions. Over and out...
poliwag is usually on the beach.
I'm sorry, but you will have to trade from Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed. There is no way to find a Poliwag in the wild in Emerald.
You'll need to trade for it.
yes. trade from firered or leafgreen, or use gameshark.
Poliwag is not catchable in Ruby, Saphire or Emerald.
poliwag is usually on the beach.
I'm sorry, but you will have to trade from Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed. There is no way to find a Poliwag in the wild in Emerald.
You'll need to trade for it.
yes. trade from firered or leafgreen, or use gameshark.
use itemfinder to search in the beach or watever beach in emerald use itemfinder to search in the beach or watever beach in emerald
Poliwag is not catchable in Ruby, Saphire or Emerald.
Psyduck, Staryu, Poliwag, Slowpoke, Sunkern, and Wooper.
It isn't. You have to trade with FR/LG
You can't catch a poliwag in Pokemon Sapphire. You have to trade from Pokemon Fire Red or Pokemon Leaf Green.
south, down the Pokemon beach
sleep powder is not a TM it is learn manually by oddish and gloom and poliwag and poliwhirl and poliwrath and milotic
Poliwag evolves into Pilowhirl which then evolves into Poliwrath