It is near the 5th gym.
diving treasure hunter
Near mossdeep ciry
The Pokemon hatched is LARVESTA, the bug/fire Pokemon.
You get a Larvesta which evolves into a Volcarona
That can be found underwater near the hunter's house west of mossdeep city.
diving treasure hunter
Collect yellow and red shards and take them to the treasure hunter just to the west of mossdeep.
You catch Pokémon underwater which hold shards, then you trade those shards with the treasure hunter for evolution stones.
Near mossdeep ciry
trade a blue shard with the treasure hunter
On Route 13 from the Treasure Hunter with a black coat.
The Pokemon hatched is LARVESTA, the bug/fire Pokemon.
You get a Larvesta which evolves into a Volcarona
he's in eterna. got a sign in front of his house.
Treasure Hunter.
unfortunately haunter isn't available on pokemon emerald. However if you want to capture ghost type pokemon, sableye's a good can also choose castform..
Trade a green shard to the hunter to get a leaf stone.