When you walk into the school, head left and through the gate there. Presto! The teachers lounge.
rare chips
What do you want it for? ... ... ... ... ... ... Try GameFAQs; they have one about chip codes.
You have to be the same Style as the element (i.e., Wood to use Gaia Blade, Fire to use Salamander).
I would recomend Youtube or NeoSeeker, as Codejunkies only has the standard codes.
Mega Man Battle Network - video game - happened in 2001.
Mega Man Battle Network - video game - was created on 2001-03-21.
dont die
In Megaman Battle Network 6, It doesn't have The Undernet 3, but it has Undernet Zero where you can fight Bass at there.
The Navi master is your father.
You can find all of those mega chips by the Game Faqs or cheat or cheat code or game shark code.