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Q: How can you beat nebula gray in mega man battle network 5 team colonel?
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On MegaMan Battle Network 5 how do you get Bass Cross?

i dont not if this is right but you must beat bass in nebula hole 6

How do I beat mega man battle network 5?

You have to fight the final boss, Nebula Grey. It has 2000 HP and has some pretty powerful attacks, so i recommend the bubblewrap chip, Django chip, or and Mega or Giga Chip.

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By defeating the life virus in Wilys Lab

How to beat nebula gray?

depends what folder u have, and the battle chips u have. also get the airshoes program by getting the nebula ID, install to your navi cust. get ds chips specially the roll ds chip where u can get on undernet 3. u have to be fast and get bubble wrap chip, remember to get lots of defensive chips ok

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you cant beat the battle tower

How Do You Beat Megaman battle Network 3?

Just follow the storyline. Essentially, beat Alpha, and you'll "beat" the game, although subsequently there will be a lot of extra material. This question is better resolved by visiting a walkthrough, for which I recommend using

When was Soundtrack Beat Battle created?

Soundtrack Beat Battle was created in 2010.

How do you get SP chips in mega man battle network 5?

First, you have to find the beta or omega version of the Navi. Then, beat them with a busting level 8, 9, or S. If you beat them with 10, you'll get the DS chip.

Who is the African-American hero that beat his German opponent?

Colonel Gadaffi.

How do you find wind in mega-man battle network 3 white?

Beat the fan enemies in Yoka ....1? The area with the heater in it. If you don't get it, just keep trying.

Where can you find Shadowman in Megaman 5 team colonel?

you beat a liberation mission

How do you get past the people at the battle frontier?

Battle them and Beat them.