Beat the fan enemies in Yoka ....1? The area with the heater in it. If you don't get it, just keep trying.
The GameFAQ's site has a section for Megaman Battle Network 3 that includes multiple walkthroughs and FAQs and some cheat codes. SuperCheats has an extensive and well-organized list of cheats for the game, as well as tips.
the samw way you find him in Gregar , go to the undernet zero from green area ( examine the back of the big tree in green area 2 ) move around until you find Bass and defeat him , then go to the Graveyard and defeat Bass SP ( you need all the standered chips to battle him ). if you have already done this , just go to underground 2 , go to the plateform where you battle Falzar Beast megaman . you will battle Falzar Beast megaman SP first , then you will battle Bass BX .
You can find it where the navi who gives you c slider. Which you need an unclocker for ( The navi is in Sharo area where all the arrows are)
u can find them at this site
you buy it from a shop
Seaside Area 1.
Insert a Megaman Battle Network game into the secondary slot of your DS, then pulse in. Now go to the DogHouse near Bud's house and you'll find Megaman there.
you can find flameman in undernet three where four pots with fire on them are placed.
you have to find the back of the undernet
You don't--Punk doesn't exist in White, only Blue. If you hack the game, you can trigger a fight with him, but there's no point--you're not supposed to get his chip, and it doesn't have any bearing on gameplay.
The GameFAQ's site has a section for Megaman Battle Network 3 that includes multiple walkthroughs and FAQs and some cheat codes. SuperCheats has an extensive and well-organized list of cheats for the game, as well as tips.
One's in a tree at the park and one's in Yai's house under the teddy bear.
you hold select and imput the compression code you can find those on the internet
Go in park area 2