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It's not there right now. It will come back eventually.

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Q: Where is the straight hair with a bow on club penguin?
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Related questions

How do you get the brown hair with the pink bow in club penguin?

Well you have to have memebership first then it comes out in September.

How do you get the brown hair with the pink bow on club penguin cheats?

it usually comes in like september :D

How do you get a rain bow puffle on club penguin?

There is no such thing as a rainbow puffle on club penguin...yet.

When will the brown hair with pink bow come out in club penguin?

It came out today !! On the Penguin style catalog ! you can check it out now. Jan. 7 ... be sure to buy it :P

Who to get a rain bow puffle on club penguin?

you cant

What is a code for the pink bow for a puffle in club penguin?

it is pbow2367

What does Fuji06 look like on club penguin?

fuji06 wears a black hoodie, pink shoes, pearls, and brown hair with the pink bow thingy

What is the code for the bow and arrow on club penguin?

There is no code for bow and arrow. The Hawkeye Quiver & Bow is available in the Penguin Style catalog for 300 coins. It is a member only item.

What is a code for a bow and arrows on club penguin?

five 10 nine point oh

Where is the white bow tie in club penguin?

The White Bow Tie is located in the Penguin Style catalog in the Gift Shop. It is available for purchase by member players only, however, and costs 50 coins.

Can the brown hair with bow be unlocked in club penguin?

That awesome hairstyle was in the style catalogs a couple of months ago. I really hope its coming out in the next catalog!!

Is bow wow gay or bysexuial or straight?

Bow wow is straight