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Well, it depends because Misty is second in line, but you verse Sabrina after Lt. Surge in HeartGold/SoulSilver, so head to Saffron City after Vermillion

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Q: Where is the second gym leader in Kanto in heart gold?
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What level are the Kanto gym leader Pokemon in heart gold?

between 30 and 60.(:

Where is the 7th gym leader in Pokemon Heart Gold?

hes at seafoam islands in kanto

Where is the 7th gym leader in Kanto in Pokemon heart gold?

where artacuno is in leafgreen up the ladder.

Where is the 7th gym leader in kanto in heart of gold?

You find Blaine in the islands that are close to Cinnabar.

How can you battle misty in the Kanto region in heart gold?

Yes, you can. She's a gym leader in Cerulean, so you have to battle her.

Where is 7th gym leader in kanto in heart gold?

go past the cinnabar island and go the sefom island and he in there

Where is the Kanto 6th gym leader in heart gold?

Sabrina of Saffron City, who uses Psychic type Pokemon.

How do you find the gym leader in virdian city in heart gold?

I think you need to beat 7 kanto gym leaders to fight him.

What region is heart gold?

Johto and kanto

What region is heart gold in?

johto and kanto

How do you get the seventh gym badge in Heart Gold in Kanto?

You have to fight the fire gym leader which is located at cinnabar island. i dont know his name though

Where is gym leader virdian city Pokemon heart gold?

cinnabar island. he will go to the gym after getting all the 7 kanto gym badges