actually there isn't 9 gym leader there is only 8 like the other ones. Actually, the 9th gym leader in heartgold and soulsilver would be the first gym leader in Kanto after you beat the elite four the first time, you can face the kanto gym leaders in any order.
which gym leader?
Mahogany town
hes at seafoam islands in kanto
in saffron city gym and her name is Sabrina
Go To Burned Tower And Then The Lighthouse A Long Way To The Left Of There
which gym leader?
In her Gym
The 14 gym leader in heart gold is in Saffron City.
you ask him to!
there is no ninth gym. after the eight gym is the Pokemon league.
you can find it in the ciann city pharmacy
In Cerulean City
Get a refund
there is no ninth gym leader in any Pokemon game
In Blackthorn City.
ecruteak city
ecruteak city