On the light green bit between the three forests just south of the top river. You can find a screenshot of the location in related links.
About halfway between the dock and the eastern end of the isle, by the northern beach
It's in the sand in between the two grassy parts. It's very close to the bottom grassy part, though.
From either Hotton or Hoof Isle docks
You get to Turtle Isle by taking the boat from Hoof isle docks and that takes you to Shelton on Turtle isle :)
On Horse Isle on the pathway you use when walking to Hoof Isle
in a bolder
It is near the beach in east corner of the isle.
the top
Just north of the stadium
About halfway between the dock and the eastern end of the isle, by the northern beach
The answer for the first one is streams the second is feast and the third flipped
In order to get to Twin River Isle on Horse Isle 2 follow the following instructions or use the map button on your screen: 1.Travel to Plain Isle 2.From the dock that you arrived at, travel to Praire Isle 3.Travel to Twin River Isle
cupcake Galadriel - Bay and Chestnut
The largest isle on HorseIsle is Jungle Isle.
There is no Record Press there. But if you were thinking of Twin Rivers, It's North from the upper river (In the middle somewhere)
Jungle Isle by far!horse isle answer:
Alpine Isle. But in the middle of the isle.