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Go into the cave where the bait is, get the bait and then go and catch the small yellow fish, Fluffy. Once you have the Fluffy on your claw, go into the cave with the big red fish, Mullet, and catch him, using Fluffy as bait. You can then go into a secret cave with a crab and a pile of coins. Don't take any coins, let the crab take them. Once he has all the coins, he will hand to you the rare gem.

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Q: Where is the rare gem in aqua grabber in club penguin?
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Where is the rare tresure on club penguin aqua grabber?

The rare treasure on aqua grabber is the black pearl on clam waters it is worth 50 coins. There you have it!

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On club penguin the game aqua grabber where is the rare treasure in clam waters?

Here is a link to a video I created on Youtube that explains everything.

What is the rare treasure in aqua grabber?

the black pearl

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go the opposite way of the clam and there will be a rock its shaped like a circle and pick it up and put it in the clams mouth and pick up the pearl and ta da u won

How do you find the rare gem in aqua grabber?

t\\\]you must get past the mullet and then get it from the crab

In Club Penguin where is the rare treasure?

Let the crab take ALL the gold coins, this takes awhile, then he will hold up the rare gem. Just use your claw grabber to get it. This is a Truthful answer!

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code for club penguin rare codes hah! i got a beyblade in club penguin the code is hw10cg132

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On club penguin if you meet rockhopper is your penguin rare?

No, but you would be lucky!

Can anybody give me a rare penguin in Club Penguin?

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